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Welcome to Northeast High

We will educate all students so they can become competent contributing members of society.
Lauderdale County Schools is committed to meeting the needs of all the students we serve, as we prepare them to be productive, contributing members of our community. In this pursuit, we know that students must have a passion or a desire for something – whether it’s academics, sports, or the arts. This passion is the driving force that gives them one reason to come to school, and thus, they are more likely to experience success.

Events Calendar

NEHS Powerlifter State Bound!

A hardworking and passionate powerlifter at Northeast High has earned a spot to compete in the state championship! Join us in congratulating Maddox Daughtery. Click on the attached link to hear from Maddox and his coach, Coach Luke Lott.

NEHS Lady Trojans Softball Action!

"Play Ball!" Softball season is here, and the Northeast High Lady Trojans softball team is ready! This talented group of student-athletes is ready to make this year a year to remember! Here's a sample of why you don't want to miss the action.

CTE Center Update: Tour Series

Great things are happening at the site for the first-ever LCSD Career & Technical Education Center! Work on the structure began in mid-fall 2024, and it’s on track to fully open by August 2026. Click on the attached link to access a series that chronicles the progress. #LCSDExcellence!

NEHS/Shloop Shoe Design Challenge: First Meeting

There's exciting news to share from Northeast High. The winning team in the LCSD/Shloop Shoe Design Challenge has officially held its first design meeting with company officials. Watch as the talented team of Trojans dive into the creative process, turning their winning concept into a real shoe!

LCSD Scholars: Leadership Lauderdale Youth Initiative

We are proud to have a number of juniors from our schools once again participating in the year-long Leadership Lauderdale Youth initiative. Designed to expose young people to local opportunities and empower them to become impactful leaders, the EMBDC program is an impressive teaching tool.

Facts & Numbers

  • A District's Grade Rating
  • 86.4% Graduation Rate
  • $5 Million in Scholarships Awarded
  • 57 National Board Certified Teachers
  • 74.6% Post-Secondary Enrollment
  • 18.2 Average Composite LCSD ACT score
  • 82.9% Experienced Teachers
  • 50.9% Bachelor Degree Recipients
  • 44.9% Master Degree Recipients
  • 99.2% Pass Rate for Dual Credit Enrollment
  • 97.4% LCSD Pass Rate for Third Grade Reading Assessment
  • 68.1% score Silver & Higher on ACT WorkKeys
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